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Hearing loss can sneak up on you — how can you spot it?

Aging is as natural as anything in life, along with the physical changes we experience as we get older. For many of us, our hearing is also one of the changes we can expect. While some changes are evident, others are so gradual that, over time, they are virtually imperceptible. Take hearing: more than 50% of Canadians between 40 and 79 years old are unaware of their hearing loss, according to Statistics Canada1. What’s more surprising is that data also shows that, on average, it can take as long as seven years for someone experiencing a hearing issue to seek help2.

Early symptoms of hearing loss

Visiting a hearing care professional is something we must incorporate in our annual health checkups, but some early signs might help you spot hearing loss on your own. Some of these include having trouble hearing conversations or struggling to comprehend when background noise is present. You might also have more difficulty hearing higher-pitched sounds, such as children’s voices, as losing the ability to hear higher frequencies happens faster than losing the ability to hear lower frequencies3.

Related: What to expect at your first hearing consultation?

Another classic symptom reported by some hearing care professionals4 is a feeling that everyone around you is mumbling when they speak. Patients often share they are visiting a hearing care professional only because someone in their family has encouraged them to. 

While some degree of hearing loss is considered a normal part of aging, it can still profoundly affect communication, social interaction and overall well-being. From struggling to follow conversations to feeling isolated in noisy environments, individuals with hearing loss may face many challenges in their daily lives. Another red flag for hearing loss is when you start avoiding social interactions and events.

Now that you know, take the next steps

A hearing care professional will help you determine if you need hearing aids and will help you take the next steps to getting fit with the right devices for your needs and lifestyle. 

While some patients are happy to show off their new hearing devices, others opt for a more inconspicuous approach. That all depends on who you are! Hearing aids are like any other wearable device; you can choose your style, colour, and size depending on your hearing loss. 

Advancements in hearing aid technology have transformed the landscape of hearing healthcare, making effective solutions more accessible. Today’s hearing aids are small, discreet, and have advanced features such as background noise reduction and Bluetooth connectivity. So think about what you would like your hearing aid to say about you or if you don’t want it to say anything at all. 

Related: 7 questions to ask yourself before buying a hearing aid

Hearing aids can even be a stylish accessory. Among the most stylish hearing aids in the market, Widex SmartRIC is a fusion of audiological excellence and design aesthetics. 

SmartRIC is designed with a special L-shape and sits higher on your ear, helping you hear conversations even when it is noisy around you. The hearing aid battery lasts up to 37 hours and comes with a portable charger with enough power for over a week of on-the-go charging! Widex hearing aids incorporate Widex’ PureSound technology, delivering sound to your eardrum in perfect sync with the natural sound heard directly. In addition, SmartRIC hearing devices are built to give you full control over your auditory experience. This is achieved through the AI-powered Widex MySound technology, which provides a greater choice of settings to adjust, letting you dictate how you hear via an easy to use smartphone app. 

Related: Widex receiver-in-canal (RIC) hearing aids - All models & colors

As we navigate the inevitable changes that come with aging, understanding and addressing hearing loss should be a priority for maintaining overall well-being. While it may take time to recognize the signs and seek help, early intervention can significantly improve quality of life. 

From experiencing difficulty in conversations to avoiding social events due to hearing challenges, the impact of untreated hearing loss can be profound. However, with the support of a hearing care professional and advancements in hearing aid technology, you can regain control over your auditory experiences. Whether you prefer a discreet device or one that makes a statement, there are options available to suit your preferences and lifestyle.

Want to have a free hearing test? Click here to take a free, 5-minute online hearing test from Widex. 

1 Hearing health of Canadian adults (
2 HLAA_HearingLoss_Facts_Statistics.pdf
3 Why are high frequency sounds typically the first to go in hearing loss? - Kasper, AU.D (
4 Hearing Loss as You Age: What to Know - The New York Times (


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